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ysladmin 2024-06-09 人已围观

简介英语作文投诉信高级句型汇总       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“英语作文投诉信高级句型汇总”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一





3.急需一篇英语作文 你的邻居太吵,你不能忍受,你给公寓管理员写一封投诉信




       ne possible version

       Dear sir

        I'm writing to complain about a pair of sneakers I recently purchased from your website. What I ordered

       was a pair of black size nine shoes but I received a pair of white, size-8.5 shoes instead. Worse still, there

       was a ten-day delay in dElivering my shoes, which should have been received on April 10. For the above

       reasons, I demand either a new pair of black size-nine shoes be posted to me immediately or I be given a full

       refund. Also, if I send back the wrong shoes, will your company pay for the postage?

       Thank you for your consideration.


       Dear sir:

       I am writing to complain about one of your bus drivers,who was so rude to the passengers.

       Yesterday,I was taking the bus No.133 to school.It was about 9:30 in the morning.It was not the rush-hour and there were not many passengers on the bus.But the driver drove so fast and he didn't slow down even when the bus turned round street corners.One of the passengers asked him to drive slowly but he did not listen.When the bus reached the next stop ,a man stood up and walked toward the door.The driver stopped the bus so suddenly that the man could not keep his balance and fell on the floor.The driver didn't make an apology and asked him to get off the bus right away.

       I think that pubilc bus system should serve the public whole-heartedly.The safety of passengers should be the major concern.It is my sincere hope that proper measures ought to be taken to prevent such incidents from happening again.

       Yours sincerely

       Liu Yuan

急需一篇英语作文 你的邻居太吵,你不能忍受,你给公寓管理员写一封投诉信

       Dear Sir/Madam,This is Melissa from Jiangsu. I bought 10 pairs of shoes from your online store on the 29th of April ,they are 99Yuan in all.and I got them on the 1st of May. Five pairs of pink shoes are good. But five pairs of apricot shoes with quality issues.they lose colour and we can not wear them. So I suggest you can improve the production process and change them for us and you should bear the freight.Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Melissa你好,我是来自江苏的melissa(或者加上你自己的名字),我在4月29日从你的网店购买了十双鞋。一共是九十九元。五月一日收到了,五双粉色的鞋很好,但是五双杏色的鞋有掉色的质量问题,我们不能穿。所以我建议你们能改进生产,而且能为我们换一下,由你来承担运费。期盼回复。祝好Melissa(或者加上你自己的名字)




       1. 什么使你受不了

       2. 你受到了什么影响

       3. 希望他做些什么

       December 28, 2004

       Dear Apartment Management Officer:

       I am writing to complain about my neighbor Mr. Black.

       Mr. Black lives next door to me, and he disturbs my life. He has a party almost every day. During these parties, people are making a lot of noise. They are dancing, laughing and shouting. They often do such silly things till early morning. What’s more, when they have drunk too much, they often quarrel and fight against each other. I can’t put up with all these. I can’t sleep well at night and my kid can’t concentrate on his studies. Please tell Mr. Black to stop all these things and respect others privacy.

       Looking forward to your reply.


       Wang Meng

       Dear boss,

        Thank you for reading my letter.

        Last Sunday is my classmate Mary's brithday.We went to your restaurant so as to celebrated Mary's brithday.But your restaurant was not good than I expected.We couldn't tolerate that restaurant at all.The service was really bad and the food was awful.The most unbearable was the hygiene of the restaurant was horrible,we felt very disgusting.

       We complained about the food , the hygiene and the the service to the waiter.But his attitude was very pride and he ignored us.It was really provoking! Finally ,the waiter drove us away.How dare he was!

        All of us were very angry.I am doubt that whether I would come to your restaurant or not.








