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3.急求一篇题目为 create a green campus 的英语作文,谢谢!






       答案如下 书面表达 (One possible version)

       Recently, our school is aiming at building a green campus. What is a green school? It means not only a green campus, but a "green" atmosphere for our study and life.

       For one thing, a green campus means more plants, less pollution and no waste. Each of us can do something, such as planting trees and flowers or just saving electricity and water in our daily life. It will make a big difference. For another thing, it is necessary for us students to make great efforts to create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between teachers and students. Besides, it is important to keep a friendly and supportive attitude towards each other.

       Accordingly, if everyone does one thing for our school, we'll surely turn our school into a better one.


       应该是:Green Campus.绿色校园


       University Green Campus is the latest off of an American university in the trend of environmental protection slogans. 284 U.S. university presidents issued a statement declaring to the University campus into a "carbon neutral" regions, and promote "green building." Through tree planting, energy conservation, the use of sustainable energy, etc., to offset the corresponding amount of carbon dioxide. This 284 universities across the United States covering all the schools. Harvard students to the school before the start of "green education." Today, "University Green Campus" concept has become the number one topic in U.S. universities, the university can be heard everywhere, "3R" argument (to reduce carbon emissions, recycling materials, waste recycling, the first three words in English letters are R).


        大学绿色校园是最近美国大学中掀起的一股环保潮流口号。284位美国大学校长发表声明,宣布要将大学校园建成“碳中和”地区,并且大力推广“绿色建筑”。通过植树、节能、使用可持续能源等方式,抵消相应数量的二氧化碳。这284所大学基本涵盖了全美所有名校。哈佛大学在学生入校前就开始“绿色教育”。 如今,“大学绿色校园”概念已经成为美国各大学的头号主题,大学里到处都可以听到“3R”的说法(削减碳排放、物品再利用、废品回收再利用,这三个英文词汇的首个字母都是R)。


       "Green Graduation Dinner"

       Williams College's graduation dinner to be beaten create a "green graduation dinner", in addition to using local food, the dinner buffet banquet also see a common disposable tableware.

       Students to accept the "Green Education"

       At Harvard, students entered the school had not yet started to accept the school's "green education" school to new mail in a special reference: to the quarters they buy energy-efficient refrigerators and energy-efficient fluorescent lamps. Harvard students than the school environment but also the attitude of enthusiasm, they hold a lot of interesting activities to promote environmental protection. For example, each year the student dormitory at Harvard must fight between a "Green Cup", which dormitory building up energy, the highest level of waste recycling, will be able to win. Some environmental groups hold activities of students, who bring containers made of recycled materials, you can get free ice cream.

       Voluntary increase in tuition fees for environmental students

       On the environment, often more radical than the school students. The urging of students, University of Vermont, Middlebury, many students who wanted to increase tuition fees, to increase the school's environmental funding. University of Maryland, St. Mary 93% of students voted in favor of annual tuition increase of 25 dollars, so more than a year the school raised $ 45,000 for the purchase of green energy equipment. American college students are to create a "green campus" to contribute. 11 Dartmouth College students, a national environmental protection activities, their transport is a green campus bus, bus fuel rather special, is the fast food fried chicken, French fries, not the waste cooking oil after . Buses equipped with a special filter, after filtering waste cooking oil can be directly added to the tank. University campuses across the country and in the park, this car the green buses have become the focus of public attention.





        在哈佛大学,新生还未入校就已经开始接受学校的“绿色教育”,校方在给新生的邮件中特别提到:他们到宿舍后要买节能冰箱以及节能的荧光灯。 哈佛学生对环保的态度比校方还要热心,他们举行很多有趣的活动来促进环保。比如,每年哈佛各学生宿舍楼之间都要争夺一个“绿杯”,哪个宿舍楼节能最多,废品循环再利用程度最高,就能夺冠。还有一些学生环保组织举行活动,谁带来回收材料制成的容器,就可以得到免费的冰淇淋。


        在环保方面,很多时候学生比学校更为激进。在学生的督促下,佛蒙特州米德尔伯里大学有很多学生自愿要求提高学费,来增加校方的环保经费。马里兰州圣玛丽大学93%的学生投票支持每年学费增加25美元,这样校方每年可以多筹集4.5万美元,用来购买环保能源设备。 美国大学生也在为创建“绿色校园”作出贡献。达特茅斯学院的11名学生进行了一次全国环保宣传活动,他们的交通工具是一辆绿色校园巴士,巴士的燃料比较特别,是快餐店炸鸡肉、炸薯条后不要的废弃食用油。巴士上配备一台专门的过滤器,废弃食用油经过过滤后可直接加进油箱。在全美各地的大学校园和公园里,这辆绿色巴士都成为大众瞩目的焦点。

       Situation in China

       China major schools are now offering "College Green Campus" Project, more and more colleges and universities to join the "green" list. Basically, the green areas of our country is divided into two levels, or two ways: First, improve efficiency, that does not affect the facilities and services under the premise equipment and buildings by improving energy efficiency, purchase renewable energy, improve management , procurement, operations and other aspects of the system and policy and other ways to achieve energy efficiency or carbon-campus efficiency; Second, behavioral change, through a variety of promotional and educational activities to enhance the University community awareness of climate change impacts, climate to promote the formation of individual changes in the sense of responsibility and lead to people's daily behavior to the benefit of low carbon and sustainable development direction of change.


        目前中国各大名校均开设“大学绿色校园”专题,越来越多的高校加入“绿色”行列。 我国基本上将绿色范畴划分为两个层面,或者两种途径:一是效率改进,即在不影响设施和服务功能的前提下,通过改善设备和建筑的能源效率,购买可再生能源,改进管理、采购、运作等方面的制度与政策等途径,实现校园能源效率或碳效率的提高;二是行为转变,通过各种宣传和教育活动,提高大学成员对气候变化影响的认识,促进个人形成气候变化责任意识,进而引导人们的日常行为向有利于低碳和可持续发展的方向转变。

急求一篇题目为 create a green campus 的英语作文,谢谢!

       Make Our Cities Greener

        In recent years our cities have become much greener. A lot of trees, grasses and flowers were planted in vacant plots and on both sides of the street. The area of urban afforestation per person has been greatly increased. There are a lot of advantages for urban afforestation. First, trees, grasses and flowers can make the city more beautiful, for natural plants are well matched with artificial buildings. Secondly, plants can purify air in the city because they not only absorb carbon dioxide and the flying dust but release oxygen. Thirdly, plants can muffle noises produced by vehicles and machines. Finally, trees can improve climate in that they can alleviate intense heat in summer and severe cold in winter. Then how to make our cities greener? From my point of view, first we should make people aware of the importance of making cities greener. Next, great efforts should be made to plant more trees, grasses and flowers. Meanwhile, we should carefully look after the planted trees, grasses and flowers and no one is allowed to destroy these plants. So long as we do so, we can certainly make our cities greener.





       In recent years, extravagance and waste have become increasingly serious in some of the university campus. We can see that papers, bottles and cans are thrown away after use; food is wasted just because of its poor taste; clothes are discarded simply owing to their old fashion. As a consequence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on creating a green campus.

       There are at least two criteria to distinguish what is green campus. On the one hand, natural resources must be conserved and made full use of, for example, we, as college students, should take the wise use of papers and second-hand textbooks into account. On the other hand, education to build up thrift habits must be promoted by relevant departments and professionals at various levels.

       Accordingly, it is necessary for us to take effective steps. For one thing, university authorities should respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources, such as water, electricity, and so on. For another, we should enhance the awareness of college students that creating a green campus is of utmost significance to both our society and ourselves.



       Beautiful campus

       We all love a beautiful campus. We all want to go in the campus where there are no rubbish all over the place. And we all want to have a green campus in which there are birds fly high and trees grow green. However, not all of us like rules, rules like banning littering at will and not take breakfast into the school. When this comes, we say that we want freedom. But you know what? Freedom is based on rules. If we don't have rules, there is no such thing as freedom. So we must do this all together to make our campus the most beautiful one.

































        Horse the teacher said: "the school is our home, environment is good or not is up to you, me, his family, how to protect it? A, don't litter. If you see the initiative to pick up the garbage, thrown into the trash, who throw if found, I will let him pick it up, if he does not pick up, I will criticize him, because I am a qualified environmental small guards. Pick up the garbage has a benefit, is when picking up litter bending action, can exercise the body, can also clean the campus. I want to get into the good habit. Second, take good care of flowers and plants. There are many green trees and flowers on campus, we each class has its own little garden, which makes our campus beautiful, we should protect them, rather than just on and pick, they are alive.

        If the environment is good, our body will become more health, learning mood will be better, let us to have a good learning environment and do an own strength. ""




        This month, our school launched a campaign -- green rural, energy conservation and environmental protection. In fact, our family has already launched a series of environmental actions.

        Summer, the mosquitoes will be particularly much, so we always can't help but want to use mosquito-repellent incense, if each use mosquito-repellent incense, then take a summer off how many mosquito repellent? In fact, mosquito-repellent incense is low poison, seriously polluted the quality of the air, so that our safety is not guaranteed, so we use mosquito nets for this purpose.

        Winter, people always can't help but want to use air conditioning and hot stove, and put the air-conditioning on big, hot stove of the prosperous of the fire, in fact, air conditioning and heat furnace emissions of carbon dioxide, serious pollution of the environment of the earth, but also waste a lot of electricity resources. In the winter, we never use air conditioning or heat furnaces.

        There is also garbage classification, which people always like to litter and not pay attention to garbage classification. And our home has always been a good place for sorting out trash, throwing away and recycling for recycling. For example, the drink bottle, the paper, the paper box and so on collect the money to sell together, so my pocket money has to go down, really kill two birds.






        On our way to school, we also had a lot of students throwing litter. For example, some students throw a snack bag outside the school gate, while others throw the paper planes around and throw them down the wall. Not only do they influence the school again and again, but they also cause a lot of trouble for the students who are on duty every morning.

        At the school meeting, the teacher repeatedly urged and persuaded, but some students did not listen, but continued to destroy the environment and shorten the life of the earth.

        Once, the school organized our two - and sixth-graders to pick up white trash on the lawn of the stipend park. Before I set out, I thought to myself that it was relatively clean when I went to the park. Pick up white trash today, it should be very small, it must be easy to pick up.

        But when I looked down the aisle, I was stunned. There is a lot of rubbish on the ground. Waste paper, cigarette head, plastic bag, etc. It's all about a green lawn, and it's a very serious environmental problem because of the destruction of the visitors.

        In the face of this lawn, let us strive to rid ourselves of the rubbish. After our 100 minutes of labor, the lawn finally recovered to its original beauty, and the famous flower was so beautiful.







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